I'm finally back in the computer room, complete with scanner, and all the conveniences at hand. The photo on the left shows the spools I made, the fat ones, as well as the original ones, all loaded and in the process of making the heart braid. I finally not only got to do it, but get the photos into the computer to share. I used pink embroidery floss for the background, and deep rose pearl cotton for the hearts. It's quite tiny, less than 3/16s of an inch wide, taking 12 strands and spools. I found the pattern interesting on http://www.qvade.dk/paulette/Swap4.htm. I experimented with different weights. The photo on the
right shows the front of the heart pattern. Below it is the back side that looks like bows. It was fun to make and I plan to experiment some more with it. The main reason i wanted to do it was to make a chain for my little scrabble tile pendant. It's so good to have everything back in order in the computer department. Now all i have to do is figure out this blog stuff.